Take Flight, building a runway to your future
This is the theme and inspiration for the Asia Professional Speaker’s convention 2021 happening on May 27th and 28th online. With everything up in the air (except most flights), we can still design a new flight path. And the best thing to do is to jump on board now. Because we are building a new runway, so we can ‘Take Flight’ towards new destinations in the way we speak, the way we leverage technology, the way we think of our business models, and our own role in society and even on this planet.
Come take flight by joining world-renowned leaders of the speaking, training & coaching industry that helps us create the runway to our aspirations.
Meet people who have lived their dreams and built their business against all odds. Hear from those who live in the brave new world of hybrid speaking and those who know what it means to reach for your moonshot!
26 Lessons
Shirley Taylor and Arthur Carmazzi - Lift Off With Licensing
CK Vishwakarma - Digital Transformation
Day 1
Day 1 Overview
Welcome & Opening Address from APSC2021 Convention Chair - Dr. Tanvi Gautam
Welcome all APSC21 participants